New Year, New Thing
f you are receiving this invitation, many years ago, you signed up to receive a newsletter or blog from me. At that time, I wrote a lot about parenting, a little about my spiritual journey, and it culminated in the release of my book, Adopting Grace: A Parenting Journey from Fear to Freedom. Thank you for your support.
That was seven years ago. Life has rolled on, much has happened in my life and that of my family. I continue to evolve and grow as a person, writer, and spiritual being. Also y’all, substacks are the new blogs! So here I am trying a new thing.
I know that my current writing will not appeal to all of those who followed me in the past. Please feel free to jump in or off of this space. I take neither choice personally. But I am flexing my writing muscles in a few current areas of my passions.
I have spent a great deal of time over the past several years digging into the genealogy of my Vick ancestors, our participation in enslavement, and what that means for my life today. I am a committed funder of social justice movement work and approach life with a lens of reparations in this broader sphere. I delight in sharing power and resources and time in this arena.
My mental health journey has continued and gotten more complicated at times. Rupture and repair are very much alive and well in my family relationships. I am most grateful to be experiencing the most joy, peace, and freedom of my 62 years on this planet. My spiritual practice is eclectic. After experiencing a great deal of hurt and suffering within the Evangelical church, I have come to a place of making peace with the pain, moving away from throwing this whole religion out, and being able to make progressive Christianity a part of my practice. It’s been quite a journey.
My politics are quite progressive in nature, and I will write from that perspective in this space. I am mourning on this Inauguration day. I also plan to put my head down, continue my self care and justice work, and live into joy as resistance.
I am working on a few larger projects that I will reveal in time. If you are interested, please follow me here. I hope to create website updates, occasional written content here, and live an abundant life. All are welcome to follow me… or not! May you be well. With much love and grace, Tricia
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