My Shoe Obsession Continues

Ok, ok, I will admit it. Rather than having a traditional mid-life (I am being generous here, but I do have a living grandmother who is pushing 99 years of age) crisis, I have a mid-life shoe obsession. I have always loved beautiful shoes. And I have a fetish for those that are red.

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Ex-Prisoners and Being With

Recently I was afforded the privilege to hear two women who had spent fifteen and sixteen years behind bars. They are a part of my church community and were invited to tell their stories. I was immediately captivated as I opened my ears and heart to people that I don’t knowingly cross paths with in my everyday life. One woman is white and the other is black. They formed a deep friendship during their years in a place that for most of us holds a forgotten population.

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When Life is Interrupted

On December 16, 2016, our youngest child broke her elbow. The details around this event were crazy and turned into a type of fire drill. You can read all about it here

As is often the case when an injury occurs, I had no idea how much time and effort would be required as she recovered. We are coming up on the six month post-break date, and these six months have been full of activities that were not planned. For the first four months, she visited an occupational therapist twice a week and did daily exercises 4-5 times per day. Her teachers were gracious and allowed her to leave the room during school to accomplish this.

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History Making, 18 Minutes from my Home

I believe that I just witnessed history in the making. It lasted a little over two hours.

It's May - a fellow mom friend of mine labeled this month "Mayhem" - and all parents of children in school anywhere will understand what that means. Throw a rookie book launch into the mix, and my cup is abundantly overflowing.

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